See our spot on WAAY-TV Channel 31
Songwriters For Survivors on Channel 31 Huntsville!
Just a few photos of our songwriters getting set up for the event, working, etc. Each one payed to perform, worked and we all had a great time! What a wonderful family!
Christian Songwriter, Karen Newsum "I Am Water" worked the "gate" until time to sing and then went right back to the "gate"!
Songwriter Tom Pepper, (Treasurer) was our sound engineer. I don't think he left that spot all day long!
Songwriter Susan Belk, our Concessionaire Extraordinaire!
Songwriter Beth McClellan, set-up, sold T-shirts, sang, was all over the place doing what needed to be done!
Songwriter Roger Hoselton, our Project Manager was an awesome Master of Ceremonies
Songwriters, Brandon, Jen and Ken, Earl and Polly
Tennessee Valley and surrounding area songwriters are wonderful people always ready to lend a helping hand! They all paid for the privilege to entertain, went out and solicited sponsors and worked in the hot sun all day for this event!
Thank you to the Railroad Bazaar for letting us use their space and for providing the stage, equipment and sound system! Thank you to ALL our sponsors:
This is an ongoing event! Please go to Songwriters4Survivors and make a secure donation through PayPal or go to any Superior Bank location. Thank You!